Document Publication Policy

List of documents to be published

The Company Secretary shall publish:

  1. the Company’s Articles of Association;
  2. the Company’s most recent balance sheet, profit and loss statement, and accounting journal;
  3. documents establishing committees (such as terms of reference);
  4. minutes of general meetings, Directors’ meetings, Directors’ decisions without meetings, and committee meetings;
  5. the Statement of Principles;
  6. the Membership Application Form;
  7. documents explaining internal processes; and
  8. any other documents the Directors indicate are to be published.

Company Secretary to exercise caution

The Company Secretary shall err on the side of caution if a document contains confidential, personal or sensitive information, and shall not publish it unless given express direction by the Directors.

Documents may be published in batches

The Company Secretary may publish documents in batches at least once a month, with the exception of minutes, which must be published expeditiously after every meeting.