20 July 2018

Minutes of Directors' meeting


Introductory matters

The Directors of RZZT CIC met online via IRC on Friday 20 July 2018 at 02:00 UTC±0.

Directors in attendance were:

  • Matthew Ferrero
  • Akhilesh Jamdar
  • Victor Rincones Rodriguez

Apologies were received from Mozart Olbrycht-Palmer (Company Secretary).

Quorum was satisfied in accordance with the Articles of Association.

Matthew Ferrero was duly appointed chair of the meeting.

The Directors confirmed that the required period of notice for the meeting was met.

Expansion of Public Relations and Marketing Committee

The Directors decided to advertise on the Company’s website a vacancy for a fourth member of the Public Relations and Marketing Committee.

It was agreed that Matthew would be responsible for ensuring this decision is appropriately actioned.

Taskhive contract

The Directors noted that the final payment for the Taskhive contract (weeks 11 and 12 of 12) is due and payment would be made shortly. They also noted that the contract completed in accordance with its terms on 15 July, having run for the agreed maximum of 12 weeks.

Next meeting

The next meeting will be held on Friday 27 July 2018 at 02:00 UTC±0.

Close of meeting

The meeting was closed at 02:05 UTC±0.