23 March 2018

Minutes of Directors' meeting


Introductory matters

The Directors of RZZT CIC met online via IRC on Friday 23 March 2018 at 02:00 UTC±0.

Directors in attendance were:

  • Matthew Ferrero
  • Victor Rincones Rodriguez

Also present was Mike Mackenzie (a member).

Apologies were received from Mozart Olbrycht-Palmer (the Company Secretary).

Quorum was satisfied in accordance with the Articles of Association.

Matthew Ferrero was duly appointed chair of the meeting.

The Directors confirmed that the required period of notice for the meeting was met.

Funding Committee reporting requirements

Draft motion:

The Directors resolved that a new section be added to the Funding Committee Terms of Reference, after the section ‘Communication’ as follows:


  • The Company Secretary shall publish monthly progress reports on behalf of the Funding Committee.
  • The Funding Officer, or other member of the Funding Committee if the Funding Officer is unavailable, shall provide inform the Directors of the Funding Committee’s activities at each Directors’ meeting.

Email issues

The Company Secretary informed the Directors in advance that investigation of reported problems with receiving emails from the Company had occurred, but nothing appeared to be incorrect on the Company’s side. An email was sent on 16 March to the members mailing list requesting comment on using Discord as the Company’s daily communications tool. Of the seven members:

  • four reported receiving the email;
  • two reported not receiving the email; and
  • one did not respond to enquiries.

Of those who reported not receiving the email, one was on the mailing list and was able to receive emails from other @rzzt.io email addresses and had previously received email addressed to members. This suggests a potential problem at that member’s side, or a freak problem. The other was not on the mailing list because they had not accepted the invitation link: this was determined to be because they refuse to receive HTML emails.

The Company Secretary recommended no action at this stage, but further monitoring of the problem with another investigation after the next email to members is sent. The Company Secretary also noted that email is of major importance to the Company and its members, and any problems may affect the ability of members to exercise their reserve powers.

Discussions at Directors’ meetings

The Directors expressed a desire to limit the extent of discussion at Directors’ meetings to what is strictly necessary.

The Directors decided that, while member input is valued, discussions should take place outside Directors’ meetings. Members should only participate in Directors’ meetings on specific agenda items that involve them, but passive observance will still be permitted. Members may add an agenda item to a Directors’ meeting or make other requests by emailing secretary@rzzt.io (agenda) or directors@rzzt.io (requests).


The report provided by the Company Secretary extensively detailed the multitude of issues PayPal has given the Company. It was tentatively agreed that no action needed to be taken at this point in time on the handling of the PayPal account.

Requests for policy changes

The Directors decided by majority vote that any non-board member of the Company who wishes the Board to implement a new policy should send that request officially over email to the Directors at directors@rzzt.io.

Next meeting

The next meeting will be held on Friday 30 March 2018 at 02:00 UTC±0.

Close of meeting

The meeting was closed at 02:31 UTC±0.